Monday, December 8, 2008

Anger, frustration, disappointment

Before I launch into a scathing diatribe against liberalism,
a bit of business for the troops. The American Red Cross
is teaming with the Pitney Bowes Corporation to send a
million Christmas cards to American troops. All you have
to do is prepare a Christmas card as you would to send to
any friend (and what better friend do you have?) and
address it as follows:
Holiday Mail For Heroes
PO Box 5456
Capitol Heights, MD 20791-5467
It would be nice, too, to include a bit of a personal greeting
or something of the sort.

Now onward and upward(?) (a matter of opinion probably
not shared by all).

It's a CHRISTMAS TREE, not a "Holiday Tree"
It's "Merry Christmas", not "Happy Holidays"

As stated on the Bill O'Reilly show tonight, the "secular-
progressives" seem to have become more emboldened
lately. If you're not aware of what's been happening in
our State Capitol in Olympia, you can read about that on
O'Reilly's webpage, too:

Proposition 8 to legalize homosexual marriage was voted
down, AGAIN, by California voters by a 2-1 margin.
Homosexual activists across the country have been
engaged in hateful, vindictive behavior and activist
judges in California are already figuring how to overturn
the will of the people - AGAIN!
Along the same lines, we have a Christian dating service,, now REQUIRED to offer their service to
homosexuals. Just what business is it of the governemnt
to require a private business to do anything at all? I'm at
a loss about that!

We're about to inaugurate a socialistic presidential administration
that has gained power through fraud and deceit. The Obama
campaign was the biggest show of racism in this country since
the Civil War, and the liberal media has prostituted itself to
not only ensure that he was elected, but has continued to be
in the tank for him since the election. The new Obama admin.
has appointed a huge crowd of Clinton retreads and Washington
insiders. Where, pray tell, is the "Change You Can Believe In"?

We see the "Big 3" auto makers coming to DC on their private
jets asking for a bailout. Well, why not? They gave our tax money
away to the banking and insurance industry, why not be fair and
"spread the wealth"? If that is to happen, how about a bailout
for all the small businesses out there that are in trouble?

Well, just a few of the things on my mind this evening. I'll get
back to writing about the future course of conservatism and
the Republican Party tomorrow, so check back in about this time
tomorrow. Please do, and leave me a comment - just click on
the word "comments" at the bottom of each post and say what
you will. Cuss me out, tell me where to get off, even agree with
me if you're so inclined. Make suggestions for future posts.

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