Friday, November 14, 2008

14 Nov., '08

I will be leaving soon for a couple of weeks
in San Angelo, TX to spend the Thanksgiving
holiday with Belinda’s Father and Step-mother.
Probably be back around 3rd or 4th December.
I usually don’t have much access to the internet
except at hotels en route that have wifi, so I might
not be posting anything after this until I return.
I will just defer until that time posting any more
comments/analysis of potential party leaders. Let
me just say, though, that there is certainly no dearth
of great talent to lead the conservative movement
forward. As I understand from Fox News and other
sources, two of these talents are vying for leadership
of the Republican National Committee, that is,
Michael Steele and Newt Gingrich. Either of these
2 would be a very positive influence on the Party
and I couldn’t possibly express a preference.

Among the future leaders of conservatism, in
addition to those I’ve already commented on, are
Rick Perry, Gov. of Texas, Haley Barbour, Gov. of
Mississippi, Mitch Daniels, Gov. of Indiana, to
name but a few. Keep your eye on these folks, as
well as those already mentioned earlier.

It has been said that, in a democracy a people will
get the government they deserve. This quote has
been variously attributed to Thomas Jefferson,
Alexis de Tocqueville, and Wm. Shakepeare in
Julius Caesar” and a few other lesser-known
sources. I don’t presume to definitively know the
source of the quote, but I do know it’s true except
that there are those of us who don’t deserve what
we are getting. Many of us worked hard against
what proved to be insurmountable obstacles to
see that Barack Obama was not elected to the
Presidency. And how can we possibly “deserve”
the likes of Hillary Clinton in the Senate? How
can we be held accountable for the Senatorial
election in Minnesota, sending the one-man freak
show Al Franken to, of all places, THE US SENATE?
(I mean no disparagement to all you honest,
hard-working freaks out there by comparing you
to Al Franken - honestly, I just don't have a better
analogy!). Well, I think we can
only strive to do whatever it takes to get
this country back to what the Founders
intended to pass on to us by supporting with
money and our efforts to the leaders we choose,
as well as loyalty to our worthy cause, never waver,
never just roll over and acquiesce to those
things we believe to be truly dangerous to
life, liberty and the pusuit of happiness as
we cherish it.

One last note, before I sign off and go
off on my trip, about the runoff election
in Georgia. I don’t know if you understand
just how critical this runoff is, but the Dems
are threatening with a filibuster-proof Senate.
If this happens, anything goes! We really
need to support Sen. Saxby Chambliss in
this runoff effort. One organization looms
especially large between the Dems and Sen
Chambliss, the National Republican Trust Check
out the website and make a contribution.
Money is the “mothers milk of politics” and
without our efforts the liberals will implement
whatever screwball policies the Obama-Reid-
Pelosi troika (truly an unholy alliance) can
come up with. All that is necessary for evil
to prevail is for good men and women to do
nothing. And I believe many of the Dem
policies are truly evil.

C U in a couple of weeks. Meanwhile, please
click the "Comments" button and give me
your thoughts, criticisms, encouragement,
even a "cyber-Snickers Bar"!

1 comment:

this can't wait said...

Hey Tom,

Thanks for your comment on my townhall blog. I haven't been to active since the election but I'm trying to get back in the swing of things now. I'm signing up to "follow" your blog. I look forward to reading more when you get back. My blog is

Happy Thanksgiving and a belated Happy Veteran's Day.

Jennifer Waite